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Taking action to achieve net zero by 2030: a deeper delve into our plan

Monday 4 December 2023, 16:30 - 17:40
Esther Simpson / Online
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Continuing the conversation around climate change, this interactive hybrid event will share our progress against key milestones and invite discussion on the topics that matter most to our University community.

The University has an ambitious sector-leading Climate Plan, which sets out seven principles to address the crisis, including our 2030 net zero greenhouse gas target.

Our recently approved Net Zero Delivery Plan marks an important step towards achieving net zero. This includes increasing our electrical supply to campus, understanding the potential of geothermal energy and a new ventilation system to significantly reduce energy demand in Worsley building.

The event will take place on Monday 4 December, from 4.30-5:40pm in the Esther Simpson 1.01. If you are unable to attend in person, there is the option to join online via Microsoft Teams.

Open to staff and students. Refreshments will be available for in-person attendees at the end.

Who you’ll hear from 

Ann Allen, Director of Campus Innovation and Development, will share our ambitious Net Zero Delivery Plan and the action we are taking to achieve net zero (more information on the plan will be released prior to the event).

Our discussion panel will include a range of voices, including James Dixon-Gough, Head of Net Zero, Shaun Scholey, who will explain changes to energy infrastructure and Professor Fleur Loveridge will share the practicalities of Geothermal engineering. You’ll also hear from from Rosa Foster, Co-Director of the Yorkshire and Humber Climate Commission, whilst Dr Cat Scott will talk about the role of offsetting and balancing emissions.

What to expect?  

  • Introduction with Ann Allen, Director of Campus Innovation and Development
  • Introduce our speakers for the discussion
  • Introduce Nifty Fox who will create a visual representation of the session
  • Panellists are invited to respond to audience co-created discussion topics
  • Nifty Fox Creative present their visualisation to recap discussion
  • Thank you for attending, signpost to resources and next steps
  • IN-PERSON ONLY: Refreshments & informal discussion

Any questions?

If you have any questions about the event or accessibility requirements, please contact 

Registering on behalf of someone else? 

If you are an Executive Assistant and would like to register on behalf of someone else, please contact