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Have your say into how Leeds buses run

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You can have your say into how Leeds buses can be improved by contributing to The West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s (WYCA) consultation. Sustainability Service intern Abigail Wordsworth explores what the consultation is about and why it’s important:

Buses in Leeds… do you love them or hate them? Over 1.7 million bus journeys are taken each week in West Yorkshire, and I know as a student just how many of us rely on buses to get to university. Yet it’s fair to say that many students agree the current system can be expensive, unreliable and often inaccessible.

The West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) believe the current bus system needs to improve. They are proposing Franchising, but also explore an option titled ‘‘Enhanced Partnership Plus (EP+). They are running a consultation right now that will help inform what decision the Mayor of West Yorkshire, Tracy Brabin, will make early in 2024!

The decision will change how people experience transport across Leeds… so it is vital that we have a say in the matter!

How are buses currently run in Leeds?

After deregulation in the 1980s, buses in the UK are mainly run by private operators like First Bus. This means that the 26 different bus operators across West Yorkshire each have control over what routes they run, the timetables, fares, frequency, and service standards. They also retain profits and can decide for themselves what they do with those profits.

Currently an Enhanced Partnership (EP) is in place. This is a mechanism where the Combined Authority works with bus operators to influence and improve the delivery of the local bus system, but the bus companies still have most control.

What would the Proposed Franchising Scheme mean for our buses?

Should the Mayor make the decision to introduce franchising, then buses in the West Yorkshire region would be under public control. This means it would be the West Yorkshire Combined Authority setting the routes, fares and overall standards of buses in the region and any money made could be re-invested into the system. Unlike with the current system, private bus operators would no longer be able to run most services independently. A franchising system has been operating in London since 1984 and more recently been introduced in Greater Manchester in September 2023. Would you want to see franchising with Leeds buses?

Solman Khan, studying for an MSc Sustainability in Transport, supports the proposed franchising system and said:

"Currently the bus system in Leeds is unreliable, fragmented, and unfit for purpose, with different operators trying to maximise profits rather than meeting passenger needs. As a result of this a host of problems occur, including different fare structures, different routes with unnecessarily convoluted stop patterns, timetables that aren’t organised and connected with other company timetables and lack of accountability when things go wrong. We need students to have their say through the West Yorkshire Combined Authority consultation and tell them that we want consistent and common-sense services, that are frequent, reliable, and best of all accountable. Franchising could make our bus system one which has services that run on time, that are connected and integrated, fares that make sense, and bus stops in the areas that need them. To make sure this happens, we as students MUST voice our say, and support the move."

A photo of the top of a bus shelter

What about the Enhanced Partnership Plus?

The consultation also models the possibility of extending the current ‘Enhanced Partnership’ into the ‘Enhanced Partnership Plus.’

Under this approach, local bus services remain privately owned and operated and able to make independent decisions on how bus services are run. The Combined Authority and bus operators would then look at what more they could do to improve local buses through the current legal framework. Basically, this would be similar what we have now, but a bit better.

What can you do?

You deserve to have your say in the matter, especially if you use and rely on public transport around Leeds. Contribute to the online consultation about how the Leeds bus system can be improved through franchising here before the consultation closes on Sunday 7 January 2024.

Whilst you can read the full consultation document and fill out the questionnaire in full, if you aren’t able to, there is a shorter questionnaire (where towards the end it invites you to choose if you support or oppose the Franchising proposal and why). You don’t have to fill out the questionnaire in full, but it is important to voice your opinion!